Rosewater Facial Spray

Rosewater Facial Spray

Makes 125ml/4fl.oz.

Recommended for Normal to Dry skin types


30 ml Aloe vera gel

20 ml Witch Hazel

75 ml Rosewater

1/2 ml Vegetable Glycerin

125 ml Spray Bottle

Mix all ingredients together and pour into a dark glass bottle (amber is best).

Allow to set for a day or two for best results. Shake before use.

Store in a cool dark location, refrigeration is best. Shelf life up to 6 months.

Essential oils to try:

Calming: 2 drops German Chamomile

Balancing: 3 drops Lavender

Toning: 2 drops Grapefruit

Moisturizing: 3 drops Ylang Ylang