Floral Fetish Bath Bomb
Pamper your skin with these lovely floral scented bath bombs! Drop one into your bath water and relax after a long day. Fun and easy to make, with our signature Floral Fetish essential oil blend. Makes great gift for mom too!
2 Cups Baking Soda
1 Cup Citric Acid
1 Cup Epsom Salt
10 - 15 drops Floral Fetish Essential Oil
1/4 Cups Sweet Almond Oil
1 Tbsp Rustic Red Clay
2 Tbsp Dried Rose Petals
Witch Hazel as needed
Bath Bomb Mold or Rectangle Silicone Mold
In a bowl, mix all dry ingredients. Add oils and essential oils. Mix Well, Spritz on Witch Hazel until mixture can be pressed without crumbling.
Sprinkle a few rose petals in the bottom of one half of the mold, then overfill bothe halves of the mold with the mixture, pressing lightly as you pack it in.
Press the two halves together, then slowly release the bath bomb out of the mold. Let dry before packaging.
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